Get Pregnyl HCG for your Patients struggling with fertility and or low sperm count?

Pregnyl HCG 10000 Unit injection is a hormone-based treatment that stimulates the release of an egg during ovulation, treats infertility in women, and increases sperm count in men.

Benefits of Pregnyl HCG

Fertility/Sperm Count injection
  • Open the doors to parenthood for many couples struggling with infertility
  • Embarking on this therapy offers far-reaching benefits not exclusively limited to fertility enhancement
  • Pregnyl is also beneficial in stimulating testicular descent in men
  • Elevates progesterone levels crucial for increasing endometrium thickness vital for successful implantation
  • Provides a whole new avenue for individuals and couples looking at assisted reproductive options
  • Pregnyl HCG treatment also significantly extends to weight management
  • Facilitates increased metabolism and suppresses unnecessary cravings
  • Helps re-engineer your relationship with food while ensuring sustained weight loss results

Pregnyl HCG Injections

Facts & Figures: Pregnyl HCG Injection
  • In the mid-20th century, researchers and clinicians began using HCG to induce ovulation in women undergoing fertility treatments
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy
  • Pregnyl is a highly purified pyrogen-free preparation obtained from the urine of pregnant females
  • It is standardized by a biological assay procedure
  • Pregnyl is a brand name for HCG, and it has been manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies
  • It has been a crucial component in various fertility treatments, including  IVF & IUI
  • Pregnyl is available in various dosage strengths, including 5000 IU and 10000 IU
  • Fertility treatments are highly individualized, and the use of Pregnyl should always be under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional