Pregnyl HCG 10,000 iu
Pregnyl HCG for Women

Pregnyl® is an injectable medication that contains a naturally occurring hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Pregnyl® is known as a “trigger shot” because it is prescribed to women as a single injection to induce the final maturation and release of eggs after stimulation with gonadotropin medications (Follistim®, Gonal-f®, or Menopur®) During IVF, it is taken approximately 36 hours prior to egg retrieval to simulate the natural surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) that triggers ovulation in the normal menstrual cycle. Pregnyl® may also be prescribed to men to increase testosterone and sperm production.
Pregnyl® comes in a vial containing 10,000 units of powdered medication that must be mixed with sterile solvent before injecting. Pregnyl® injections can be injected under the skin (subcutaneous) or into the muscle (intramuscular), as instructed by your doctor.

Get Pregnyl HCG Injection
- 4.8 average rating | Over 10k served

- Available in stock
- HCG works to increase endogenous production of testosterone
- No insurance required and same day shipping
- Easy to use injection vial
- One flat rate for each vial with no hidden fees
- To help prevent some of the side effects steroids cause
- Available in stock

Pregnyl Injection Instructions?
Pregnyl is given as a subcutaneous injection (under your skin) in the lower abdominal area or thigh. Change the needle to the 27G (grey) needle. Clean the injection area with an alcohol swab. Pinch a fold of skin between your thumb and forefinger and insert the needle fully at a 90° angle of the syringe. Keep the needle in the skin for 10 seconds after injecting and then withdraw the needle and discard immediately into your sharps container.
Human chorionic gonadotropin for male infertility

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is the hormone from the pituitary gland which tells the Leydig cells in the testicles to make testosterone. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a medication which has a similar structure and essentially the same hormonal action as LH. However, HCG has a much longer half-life (30 hours) than LH (30 minutes), with a peak onset of increased testosterone of about 72-96 hours after administration. [Madhusoodanan V. IBJU 2019] Since HCG works by increasing LH activity, if the LH is already elevated (over 20 IU/L) then HCG will likely not be effective at increasing testosterone levels.
Like SERMs and anastrazole, HCG works to increase endogenous production of testosterone. It is considerably more expensive than the two oral medications and must be given by injection (typically 3 times per week subcutaneously). The primary potential advantage of HCG over SERMs is that it does not require a functioning pituitary gland to work effectively. Therefore in men who have a non or poorly functioning pituitary along with low testosterone levels may benefit from the use of HCG. Permanent pituitary dysfunction can be congenital (e.g. Kallmans Syndrome) or result from local tissue destruction from a pituitary tumor or prior surgery/radiation to the area. Temporary decreases in pituitary function commonly occurs with the use of exogenous androgens which suppress pituitary release of FSH and LH. Even after stopping the androgens it can take some time before the pituitary will respond adequately to SERMs in terms of increasing LH (and therefore testosterone) levels. Bodybuilders who take anabolic steroids such as testosterone also sometimes use hCG to help prevent or reverse some of the side effects steroids cause, such as gonad shrinkage and infertility.